1. Assists the Head coach with instructing players in the rules, regulations, equipment, and techniques of the sport.

2. Organizes and directs individual and small group practice activities/exercises as directed by the head coach.

3. Assesses player’s skills, monitors players during competition and practice, and keeps the head coach informed of the athletic performance of students.

4. Assists with determining game strategy.

5. Assists the head coach with supervising athletes during practices and competition.

6. Follows established procedures in the event of an athlete’s injury.

7. Models sports-like behavior and maintains appropriate conduct towards players, officials, and spectators.

8. Maintains the equipment room in orderly condition and assumes responsibility for its security.

9. Distributes equipment, supplies, and uniforms to students as directed by the head coach. 10. Assists the head coach with submitting a list of award winners at the end of the season.

11. Participates in special activities to include parent’s night, banquets, award nights, and pep assemblies.

12. Performs support tasks such as distributing and maintaining eligibility forms, emergency data cards, and other related records.

13. Models nondiscriminatory practices in all activities.